April 2020 What Are You Reading?

I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting much lately.  We had a death in the family and I’ve had a bit of a hard time coping – thanks to the pandemic, we can’t do the normal mourning things like getting together with family and friends.  My original plan was to fit in as much reading as I could, but I’ve had a harder time concentrating on stuff (and so I ended up rewatching a couple of shows, which is super unusual for me; I don’t normally watch much on my own).

That being said, at the beginning of the month, I did manage to fit in reading a few books:

Nonfiction books:

  • Writing Subtext: What Lies Beneath by Dr. Linda Seger

Fiction books:

  • Eragon by Christopher Paolini (reread)
  • Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (reread)
  • Eldest by Christopher Paolini

Now that I’m staying home thanks to the pandemic, I thought it was a great time to get caught up on reading some of my books. This seems like the perfect time to hit up the series kind of like the Jeremiah Hunt trilogy where I need to reread the first book or two before continuing.  Three series immediately came to mind that were like that for me: the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, the Jacob’s Ladder trilogy by Elizabeth Bear, and the Elvish duology by Nancy Varian Berberick.  As you can see from what I read this month, I started with the Inheritance Cycle (mainly because they’re huge! Being home so much is the perfect time to read them!) 😉

I read the first book of the Inheritance Cycle many years ago, but wanted to wait until the other books came out so I could read them all together (but I never did get around to it before because like I said, they’re huge!)  I’m now half way through the third book, Brisingr (I’m hoping to get back to reading it soon).

Good Omens got thrown into the mix because a couple of my friends from work wanted to start a book club since we’re not seeing each other like normal.  Good Omens ended up the consensus because pretty much everyone was happy to either read (or reread) it.

I’m also trying to spend some time working on my writing, which is why I fit in reading Writing Subtext.

Now with all that preamble, my favourite book was honestly Writing Subtext.  It gave me so much to think about within my own writing (and came at the perfect time when I’m trying to fix the dialogue in Memories).  It’s a short read, but definitely worth it if you’re a writer, too. 🙂

So what have you read over the last month?  What was your favourite book?


Filed under Thursday Book Talk

2 responses to “April 2020 What Are You Reading?

  1. Shauna, I’m so sorry to hear about your family’s loss.

    I enjoyed “Save Me the Plums,” the Gourmet magazine memoir by Ruth Reichl, and now I’m reading, “The Hundred Foot Journey,” which also has to do with food and is presented as a memoir but is actually fiction. Very good, so far!

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